Am ajuns

July 28, 2011

Dupa o zi (prea) lunga de asteptari, reparat roti, facut asigurari, legalizat documente, indesat chestii, etc, etc, etc am plecat la ora 23:30 din Bucuresti. Read more

In pas alergator prin Baiului

July 25, 2011

Intai o introducere mai lunga. De cativa ani am inceput sa alerg. Initial dupa 3 km mi se facea rau si picam din picioare. Dar mi s-a parut o activitate interesanta pe timp de vara, in plus ma tine in forma destul de bine pentru iarna. Read more

#3&4 Andorra Fact

July 19, 2011

#3 - Nu exista masura la bautura. Se toarna in pahar pana ce spui stop. STOP!
#4 - “The skiing and snowboarding terrain at Soldeu consists of open powder bowls, steep narrow chutes, exciting tree skiing and snowboarding, a lot of long linking groomed trails and gentle beginner areas.”

‎#2 Andorra Fact

July 18, 2011

This southwest corner of Andorra is without a doubt the prettier end of the Andorran ski market with best off-piste skiing between charming Andorran villages that still have their stone churches and rough-hewn bordas (traditional inns originally frequented by farmers)

Prima pereche de schiuri

July 17, 2011

Cand ma gandesc la “prima”, ma gandesc de fapt la mai multe schiuri. Evident, incep cu prima - in cazul meu o pereche de Pitic din lemn. Read more

#1 Andora facts

July 17, 2011

Tiny (470 sq km) Andorra is slap bang in the Pyrenees between France and Spain. It is known as being a cheap, boozy destination for young party-loving skiers and boarders, a reputation that it is trying – without much success – to shake off

Sporturi extreme si sporturi alternative

July 10, 2011

Eu am luat in serios intrebarea What is Extreme (plecand de aici). E o discutie de care m-am tot lovit cu diverse ocazii si se leaga de ce face un sport sa fie extrem, care sunt spoturile alea si cine le sunt practicantii. Read more